Aesthetician and Rescue Spa founder Danuta Mieloch recommends using the TheraFace Pro as an at-home device for “amazing upkeep in between facials.” Her spa, which has locations in New York City and Philadelphia, will start carrying the device in their locations and online in August.
While it seems like this might be the jackpot if you want to do an at-home facial or spa night, “As with most at-home devices, there are limitations to what this device can achieve,” says Marisa Garshick, MD, a board-certified dermatologist in New York City.
To help you decide if you should dish out the money and splurge on the TheraFace Pro device, I broke down the different attachments and my reviews for each of them.
How do you use the microcurrent attachment?
I was most excited about the microcurrent attachment because I feel like it’s the attachment that shows results the quickest. Microcurrent technology — which uses low-level electrical currents to lift, tone, and firm your facial muscles – is fascinating to me, and this wasn’t my first experience with it. I own the mini NuFace device, a similar noninvasive device that tones muscles in your face, although it took me a few tries to really get used to it.
For those unfamiliar with microcurrent technology, it’s “a noninvasive therapy that sends out a low-voltage current that is similar to the natural electrical currents in the body,” Zain Husain, MD a board-certified dermatologist and founder of New Jersey Dermatology & Aesthetics Center, previously told Allure. “The microcurrent stimulates energy production to drive the creation of collagen and elastin in the skin.”
The microcurrent attachment for the TheraFace Pro is bigger than the NuFace, and it feels a little more robust. I really enjoyed this feature on the device with one exception — the conductor gel, which is made with ingredients that help conduct the microcurrent through the skin barrier and activate the facial muscles underneath, didn’t work for me and my skin. It felt super slimy, thick, and inconvenient, especially compared to NuFace Hydrating Aqua Gel.
The formula contains glycerin and dimethicone, two ingredients that “can have a slimy feel,” says Hadley King, MD, a board-certified dermatologist in New York City. That could be why I found myself reaching for the NuFace gel, which is made with water, hydrolyzed hyaluronic acid, and glycerin, as an alternative option when I used this attachment.